Wireless internet connectivity is the becoming important services in Hotels, Enterprises, Campus, Malls, Airports, Coffee shops & other public areas. We offer a complete solution for all these sectors with the required security features.
Wireless internet connectivity is the becoming important services in Hotels, Enterprises, Campus, Malls, Airports, Coffee shops & other public areas. We offer a complete solution for all these sectors with the required security features.
Wi-Fi solution with a secured network control system which will provides you with a unique username and password for each and every individual user with their login reports complying with the regulatory laws, which makes it mandatory to keep record of logs up to a year. Our bandwidth management system gives you full control over the hotspot/hotzone by quickly changing access policies, controlling user activity or monitoring access points status and changing any setting globally with only a couple of clicks.
Whether you’re establishing or expanding your fiber-to-the-home network, Rectus India can help you build a high-performing network quickly and cost-effectively.
Solution and Equipment List Notes for fiber network project
Sharing an actual CWDM project system design case
Equipment required in a CATV FTTH network
Equipment’s required in a basic FTTx network